About the Music and theray podcast w/relationship coach Keana W. Mitchell

Relationship Podcast

Hi, my name is Keana W. Mitchell, and I am a singer, songwriter, and relationship coach. I have a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a master’s degree in counseling psychology with a concentration in Rehabilitation Counseling. I also have years of experience as a Rehabilitation counselor helping people obtain employment and reaching their goals in both life and love.

My journey begins almost 18 years ago when I met and married my husband. Like many couples today I thought that you get married and like in all the stories that I heard in my childhood you live happily ever after, but that was not the case in fact the very opposite happened as we found ourselves in a vicious cycle of peace and war making up only to fight again. After years of going through this cycle we were both emotionally drained and depleted and our marriage was on the brink of divorce. Finally, it dawned on both of us that we could not change each other so I stopped trying to change my husband and he stopped trying to change me. We begin working on ourselves and started to realize that each of us had a part in contributing to the negativity in our marriage. We read books, talked with mentors, and counselors and eventually we begin to see things gradually begin to change in our marriage. The change did not happen immediately, but the change happened once we decided to make a conscious effort to work on our marriage.

So, if you are feeling stuck or alone in your relationship then this podcast is for you. If you have ever found yourself wanting to improve your relationship, then this podcast is for you. Whether you want to make your relationship better or if you are a lover of music this podcast is for you. So, join me each Wednesday as we talk about relationship issues and then through music and coaching learn techniques to help improve your relationship.